Let's take the lead
– be the influence for girls in tech

Let's take the lead – be the influence for girls in tech

Sometimes you need to take the lead and be the game changer. Whether you are a big tech company – or the future of tech – you can contribute to the sustainable flow of women in technology. Welcome.


Our NGO strives to have more women in tech. We arrange inspiring events for young girls all over the Nordics to introduce them to the tech world – and a possible future career within technology. However, to make women flourish in the business, and in the workspace – we also need you. Together we can change the game.

Why GiTn?

The answer is not just because we need a future where women are as equally represented, but because the direction the tech industry will take will be more useful.

Hey tech leader, be a game changer!

& get involved

At the same time as you create a working environment for your employees to love and appreciate, you could also make sure that your industry gets more groundbreaking innovations in the future. Change the game of tech with us!

Hey girl, be the influence!

& become a Girl in tech

Do you want to become a designer, artist, the next game developer, or create a new fragrance? We will help you through our mentorship program, connections and knowledge! Join us and see why we love tech so much (yes, probably as much as you love your mobile).

Tech leaders need to walk the talk

Make sure your industry is a problem solver not just for today but for tomorrow. Decide in what way you want to contribute.

Be the influence •

Pass it forward…

We focus on the Nordic countries. But there are girls and women everywhere in the world that really want to work within the tech industry but do not have the means to. Right now, we are supporting a talented girl from India, in her journey to become an influence in the tech business and a role model for many more girls who share her dream

Girls + tech + events = serious fun

Tech is not only coding, it’s everything around you (yes, your clothes, your scooter, and your social media accounts). Explore your own tech ideas with us at our next event!

Let's change the dark facts, together

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Only 12% of the managers within tech companies are women (Allbright report 2020 – Tech lever grabbmyten).

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Gender distribution among the group of engineers and technicians was 18.5 % 2016 (IVA 2019).

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Women occupy only 22 percent of all tech roles across European companies. (McKinsey report 2023).

We believe

We take responsibility for a sustainable flow of women in tech. That means that we take a stand for equal rights and are trying to make the world a better place for all of us.

Meet our Nordic family!

We are not alone. We work together with our sister organizations in the Nordic countries to exchange knowledge and support each other. To inspire one another. The more we are, the more impact we get. Here you can get to know more about your nearest GiTN